Unassuming Strangers Turned Kindred Spirits: My Reflection on The Gambrell Foundation Expedition to Finland and Amsterdam

By Dr. Ingrid W. Medlock

Journey with me — step away from the confines of your offices, classrooms, workspaces, and the congested hustle-bustle of your day-to-day routine, and free your mind! Imagine traveling from the United States and arriving in a city surrounded by majestic — yet functional and minimalistic — Nordic architecture as you breathe in the fresh, cool, and crisp air. The accentuated voices you hear are soft, warm, yet speaking in an unfamiliar tongue. The pace of your walk has slowed from the usual swift hurriedness to a rhythmic stroll that allows you to engage with nature and cordially smile at the many passersby who are just as enamoured with you as you are with them. This is when you realize that you can finally exhale; your mind can relax and be present in the moment instead of anxiously planning for the next event on your overbooked calendar.  My friend, welcome to Helsinki, Finland, where the country truly lives up to its unofficial motto: “room to roam” as well as the proposed motto: “strong, stable and free.”  


Words cannot express my appreciation to have the unexpected pleasure and honor to be invited to participate in The Gambrell Foundation Study Trip to Finland and Amsterdam with fellow Charlotteans. Although the purpose of our trip was to study and learn about Finnish and Dutch education and society (often praised for their happiness and well-being), it was clear after the first couple of days that this eclectic traveling group from Charlotte, North Carolina, would also study the passions and purpose that we each shared within our daily work. Together, we learned how we could collectively increase happiness and wellbeing for our own community. 


The trip participants included: elected officials, philanthropists, students, professors, entrepreneurs, social activists, computer scientists, healthcare professionals, engineers, education administrators, creative artists, corporate leaders, and country ambassadors who may have otherwise never truly connected how we did while learning and observing together on this study trip. The impeccable tour itinerary, immersive cultural activities, and educational lectures were extremely insightful and very instrumental in helping our group of unassuming strangers evolve into a multi-faceted team of kindred spirits — destined, determined and dedicated to enriching the lives of our fellow citizens in Charlotte. Since we have returned to the United States and intentionally remained connected, I realize that this trip has been the springboard for us to strategically partner in several unique ways to address systemic, educational, holistic, and creative needs, as well as the overall communal needs of our city. 


Now, let’s travel back to Finland for a moment, to the woods of an island off the Helsinki coast. Imagine a day of exploration, foraging, and adventure, where every moment is an opportunity to learn and grow. Can you hear the leaves rustling under your feet? Feel the warmth of the sun on your chilled cheeks? Do you hear the gentle whisper of the wind and the laughter of friends echoing against the backdrop of towering trees?


Just like in a classroom, we gathered knowledge, but on this island, our learning experiences looked and felt so unique. We experienced mindfulness, resilience, teamwork, and leadership — just like you would in a top-notch classroom, but with a twist. In the wilderness, we learned about mindfulness as we individually engaged with, embraced, and appreciated the peacefulness of nature. We learned about resilience as we navigated hilly, wooded trails in the pouring rain. We naturally bonded and practiced teamwork as we foraged for our dinner, experienced the sauna culture and plunged in the Baltic Sea together. Finally, we leaned into our leadership skills as we strategically planned how we would use our experiences abroad to begin to cultivate and enhance the thriving, altruistic culture of Charlotte collaboratively as a team. This focus on being present with nature confirmed that health in mind, body, and spirit begins with intentional exposure to our beautiful earth in its natural state, which then leads to an appreciation for all created beings to function and live in harmony. As I explored the many facets of Finland, this country proved to be the epitome of simple lives lived in harmony.


As we ventured to Amsterdam, it struck me as being the New York of the Netherlands! A beautiful canal system, cobblestone streets, delicious cuisine, a network of bicycle paths, a hodgepodge of stores, a fantastic museum district, and streets filled with entertainment for all — our visit to Amsterdam was unforgettable. The Amsterdam experience was exciting; fast-paced; artistically, architecturally and culturally profound; diverse, yet complex in regard to the historically significant background of the citizens of Amsterdam. The complexities of the history of the diverse population, more specifically Black immigrants, seemed to mirror that of the civil rights movement in America and was sobering to discover. After learning about some of the history of the people of Amsterdam and the challenges they’ve overcome, the motto, ​​Heldhaftig, Vastberaden, Barmhartig, which means “valiant, steadfast and compassionate” is truly fitting. As in Finland, Amsterdam provided an educational experience interwoven with deep, cultural engagement that left an indelible mark on me as a leader in education.

The 2024 Gambrell Foundation Study Trip reminded me to embrace both worlds — the structured, formal education of the classroom and the unpredictable lessons of nature. Hence, as an educator it is extremely important to remember not to relegate learning to the classroom. Let us venture into the wilderness and to other countries where we can learn about ourselves, about each other, and about the world we inhabit. I conclude with the words of John Muir, naturalist and conservationist who inspired the creation of the US National Park System, “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” So, my friend, as we aspire to enhance and improve life in Charlotte, in North Carolina, and within our overall society, let us walk together, hand in hand, heart to heart, as we continue to explore the beauty of diverse life experiences. Because ultimately, it is through these lessons that we will cultivate not just knowledgeable individuals, but mindful, empathetic, resilient, and inspired leaders capable of creating a more fruitful tomorrow collaborating together as unassuming strangers turned kindred spirits!

(See pics below)